Faculty news

On July 4, 2020, at the initiative of Madinabona Yuldasheva, a student of the Faculty of Energy Supply of Agriculture and Water Resources, an exhibition of paintings was organized with the participation of the dean of the faculty, faculty, and students, as well as a round table discussion dedicated to the life and work of the People's Poet of Uzbekistan Abdulla Aripov.

Harnessing the influential power of literature involves a careful study of the literary heritage of writers and an analytical review of their ideas.

It must be noted that on April 20, 2022, graduating students of Kuyi-Chirchik district, Tashkent region, together with their teachers, visited “TIIAME”National Research University. The main purpose of the visit was to familiarize students with the museum of Abdulla Aripov.

It should be mentioned that on April 22, the students of 210- group of “Hydro melioration” Faculty with their tutor D. Egamova visited the “Alley of Writers” in the National Park of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi.

Today, the staff of the faculty of land management, the dean of the faculty Sh.Narbaev and the deputy dean for youth work Kh.Eshova, the leader of the youth union Kh.Tajibaev and tutors Ibragimova Surayo, Khursandova Dilafruz, Vafoeva Manzura brought flowers to the foot of the monument to Abdulla Aripov.

On May 24, 2022, at the initiative of the 108 group students of the Faculty of Organization and Management of Water Resources of the "TIIAME" National Research University Fayzullaev Bekzod was held the event "Poetry Evening" dedicated to the memory of the people's poet of Uzbekistan Abdulla Aripov.